SPECTRUM - March 31 - April 6, 2014

Laurie De Camillis, Roksolana Tchotchieva, Susanne Clark, Louisa Lau, Mary Hanson, Lisa Ng & Gabriele Craig
Opening Reception: Thursday, April 3rd 6 - 8 p.m.


Seven artists from different cultures, each with their unique images, using techniques and materials brought together in the upcoming exhibition SPECTRUM. Laurie De Camillis using oil; paints the Canadian Landscape. Roksolana Tchotchieva also a landscape artist brings an innate understanding of nature's influence on humans as she was born in the breathtaking area of the Caucasus Mountains in Russia. Susanne Clark creates evocative, layered abstract paintings. Through Western mediums and technique, Louisa Lau brings her Chinese poetic sensibility to her abstract landscapes. With metal leaf Mary Hanson creates Australian dream images. Lisa Ng paints subliminal humorist surrealism and Gabriele Craig works with mylar and mixed media to produce a unique manipulation of images.

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