DREAMING THE WORLD - June 5 - 17, 2014
Marilyn Cochrane
Opening Reception: | Thursday, June 5th 6-8pm | artist in attendance |
Dreaming The World - new paintings by Marilyn Blumer Cochrane, celebrating the brilliance of colour in natural forms.
These paintings are an affirmation of our connection to nature, and to the glories of creation. They are painted with layer upon layer of transparent colour, and depict a light that radiates through the Universe with joy. These images depict a faith that nature is simultaneously both matter and spirit.
The living dance of the world envelops us, and we dream it to life together.
Marilyn Blumer Cochrane has a fine Art History major Degree from McGill University , Montreal; a painting Diploma from the American School of Art, Paris France; and has graduated with honours from the Ontario College of Art and Design. She is the recipient of numerous awards including the AJ Casson Award for best watercolour in Canada.