CONTACT 2009: PERSPECTIVE - May 16 - 28, 2009
Behzad Adineh, Geoff Fitzgerald, Catherine Guillaume, Jordan Junck, Michelle Kemble, Rinath Maman, Yadi Mazinani, Nigel Noble, Kamelia Pezeshki, Ian Revell, Wayne Salmon, Aaron Tator and Sashar Zarif
Opening Reception: Saturday, May 16, 6-8pm
Making a photograph is a highly personal experience. What the photographer sees, and the manner in which he or she composes, reflects a unique perspective. This exhibition features unique perspectives of Canadian photographers, each informed by their own background; from captured movement to pastoral stillness and from staged scenarios to unembellished glimpses of real life. When seen together, these works not only reveal individual approaches to visions, but the scope of the medium itself.