NINE - October 12 - 18, 2017
Jo McCaig, Sandy Potter, Olga Nabatova, Ann Bartok, Maya Foltyn, Giovanna Peel, Valerie Powell and Olena Kassian
Opening Reception: Oct 12 6 - 8pm
This exhibition, Nine, presents the diverse perspectives of eight artists employing a variety of visual languages and techniques; the common thread among the works is a commitment to quality and the inventive possibilities of the individual media. We have named our show Nine because that is the number of actual studio practices represented, as two of the artists have collaborated to create a third entity. Each of us has worked through the usual process of production, seduction (of the media), and inevitably reduction, resulting in these carefully chosen examples of each artist's inclinations and explorations. Some of us have found a vocabulary that satisfies intent, others continue to experiment from the need and the pleasure of applying a multiplicity of avenues to articulate manifold ideas.