DRAWNONWARD - February 12 - 26, 2013

Jeremy Down, Gord Kemp, Paul Mantrop, Chris Roberts, Rob Saley, David Marshak
Opening Reception: Thursday February 14, 6pm - 10pm


Vantage Points
18th Annual Exhibition

Group of artists, David Marshak, Robert Saley, Paul Mantrop, Jeremy Down, Gordon Kemp, Chris Roberts, Steve McDonald - called Drawnonward – have taken their inspiration from the Group of Seven. Their mandate is to explore Canada's landscape through painting and have covered more than 150,000 kilometres in its pursuit. Traveling by retrofitted school bus, converted milk truck, train, fishing boat, ship, canoe, kayak, snowshoe and ski, Drawnonward has journeyed between both shores of Canada. Touring the Queen Charlotte Islands in British Columbia; hiking the northern stretches the Yukon; traversing down the icy slopes of the Gaspe peninsula; cruising on a Russian exploration ship through the waters of Newfoundland and the Arctic - they have strapped on paint boxes, carted supplies and put all of their journeys down on panels, paper and canvas.

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