ANNUAL SUMMER SHOW 2013 - July 9 - 23, 2013

Marilyn Blumer Cochrane, Navid Fard, Eleftheria Gerari, Frank Glazier, Marina Hanacek, Elizabeth Hardinge, Elizabeth Lennie, Sabine Liva, Jiwye To
Opening Reception: Thursday July 11, 6pm - 8pm


Summer Heat Sometimes living in a big city like Toronto, means that seasons come and season go right along with the busy day-to-day. After a long cold winter however, the city starts to come alive with the excitement of an approaching summer. The heat of the summer is more than just the haze of heat rippling off the sidewalk or the feeling that the city is melting around us. What does the vibrance of summer really look like? Explore the emotions that the warmth of the sun brings, inside and outside.

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You see a piece of art online. You love it, want to buy it, but you don't know how or what to buy. Check out Arta Gallery’s tips for buying art online ...